Twitter's Algorithm


3 min read

Twitter revealed its algorithm to the world. But what does it mean for you? I spent this weekend analyzing it.
Here’s what you need to know:
Don't Miss the bonus point, it's wild 👀

  1. Likes, then retweets, then replies
    Here’s the ranking parameters.

    • Each like gets a 30x boost
    • Each retweet a 20x
    • Each reply only 1x

    It’s much more impactful to earn likes and retweets than replies.

  2. Images & videos help
    Both images and videos lead to a nice 2x boost.

  3. Links hurt unless you have enough engagement
    Generally, external links get you marked as spam. Unless you have enough engagement.

  4. Mutes & unfollows hurt
    All of the following hurt your engagement:
    • Mutes
    • Blocks
    • Unfollows
    • Spam reports
    • Abuse reports

    Personally, I was surprised by this, I always thought reporting a tweet was just a waste of time but turns out it did something.

  5. Blue extends reach
    Paying the monthly fee gets you a healthy boost.

  6. Misinformation is highly down-ranked
    Anything that is categorized as misinformation gets the rug pulled out from under it.
    Surprisingly, so are posts about Ukraine.

  7. You are clustered into a group
    The algorithm puts you into a grouping of similar profiles.
    It uses that to extend tweet reach beyond your followers to similar people.

  8. Posting outside your cluster hurts
    If you do “out of network” content, it’s not going to do as well.
    That’s why hammering home points about your niche works.

  9. Making up words or misspelling hurts
    Words that are identified as “unknown language” are given 0.01, which is a huge penalty.
    Anything under 1 is bad.
    This is really bad.

  10. Followers, engagement & user data are the three data points
    If you take away anything, remember this - the models take in 3 inputs:
    • Likes, retweets, replies: engagement data
    • Mutes, unfollows, spam reports: user data
    • Who follows you: the follower graph

  11. Bonus Point
    Elon is hard coded into the Twitter algorithm 👀 No wonder he appears everywhere on twitter.

In conclusion, understanding Twitter's algorithm can help users improve their engagement and reach on the platform. Focusing on earning likes and retweets, using images and videos, and avoiding negative actions can boost engagement. Paying for a verified account and avoiding misinformation and posting within your cluster can also help extend reach. Overall, while Twitter's algorithm may seem complex, paying attention to these key factors can help users succeed on the platform.

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Have a great day ahead.